Lisle Children's Toy & Clothing

Interested in becoming a Seller?
All new sellers must register through the LEHSO.
Email to let the Resale Committee know that you would like to become a Seller.
New sellers will receive an individual Seller Number and 150 free tags to get you started.
There are limited openings. New Sellers may be put on a waiting list.
The registration fee for one sale is $10.
Sellers who register in the Fall can sign up for both the Fall and Spring Resales at the discounted rate of $18.
Additional tags are available for purchase at $1.00 for a bundle of 50. Sellers are only allowed to use the LEHSO Resale supplied tags.
As a seller you will make 70% profit on your sold items and Lisle Elementary School will retain the remaining 30% when you also volunteer for a 2-hour shift.
The split becomes 50/50 without the volunteer shift.
Volunteering and the Pre-Shop:
Volunteer shifts are available the Thursday and Friday before the Resale and the day of the Resale. Sellers are responsible for signing up and showing up for a shift in order to retain the 70/30 profit split.
What if I can’t volunteer?
You may send a surrogate in your place. This person must be an adult 18 years or older. This needs to be arranged at the time of the volunteer shift sign-up.
Our sale is run 100% by volunteers! We appreciate and reward folks for helping us make this Resale successful and invite Volunteers to shop ahead of the public. A Volunteer Pre-Shop is offered the Friday night before the Resale. Our Volunteers may bring one guest.
Mark your calendar! You will want to take advantage of being among the first to shop.
Check and unsold item pick-up:
Unsold items and checks can be picked up together on the Sunday after the sale from 1:00p - 2:00p. This is a fixed window and Sellers are expected to arrive within it.
Email us at now.